Everyone at This Party Has Two Names
Brad Aaron Modlin

As in, if the people there like everyone, even
the ones they are not related to, if they like
strangers and budding plants, like to hum the songs
in each other's heads, like food
too much to chew it, and too much not
to share, if they like to be alive
more than to bomb or be bombed, like
visitors, like thirst, like letting it last
ten extra minutes to up the thrill of water,
brush their mouths with baking soda
so their next drink tastes sweet, if their games
do not name winners and losers, if no
one must deadbolt a door behind them in fear,
if no child or adult hears, I did not invite you
to my party, if people do not exchange
paper and say, This paper is worth
so many's unhappiness, if no
night outlasts a day, if no
one oversleeps for sadness, or if
they do, someone—it's a network
better than any antiquated phone tree—
some appointed friend lies atop the quilt,
beside the sleeper and waits, matching
their inhales and exhales,
and no one wakes alone.
So far away and so down
here, we're all rooting for you,
astronaut. We squint toward your ship,
which must be—must be—
traveling somewhere overhead.
We rise from these creaky beds
in our empty rooms
and stretch the curtains wide.

To the Astronaut Who Hopes Life
on Another Planet Will Be More Bearable
—first published by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in 2022
What You Missed that Day You Were Absent from Fourth Grade
Mrs. Nelson explained how to stand still and listen
to the wind, how to find meaning in pumping gas,
how peeling potatoes can be a form of prayer. She took
questions on how not to feel lost in the dark.
After lunch she distributed worksheets
that covered ways to remember your grandfather’s
voice. Then the class discussed falling asleep
without feeling you had forgotten to do something else—
something important—and how to believe
the house you wake in is your home. This prompted
Mrs. Nelson to draw a chalkboard diagram detailing
how to chant the Psalms during cigarette breaks,
and how not to squirm for sound when your own thoughts
are all you hear; also, that you have enough.
The English lesson was that I am
is a complete sentence.
And just before the afternoon bell, she made the math equation look easy. The one that proves that hundreds of questions,
and feeling cold, and all those nights spent looking
for whatever it was you lost, and one person
add up to something.

this poem on The Slowdown with The U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón.

On Being Studios (makers of the public radio show/podcast On Being with Krista Tippett) creates the podcast Poetry Unbound. If aren't listening, you'll want to. Each episode features one poem and a reflection from host Pádraig Ó Tuama.
The first episode is about "What You Missed..."

1.7 million views
What people say about the book
"In prose and in verse, the poems here, much like the book’s title, have two names: holy and brilliant.” —Gary McDowell
"For anyone burdened by the weight of modernity, forget the chicken soup; pick up Brad Modlin’s wonderful book of poems." —George Hovis
"...a poet who is as interesting as he is unpredictable.” —J. Allyn Rosser
"To read this book is to recoil with recognition, and then to shoot forward with the courage it provides
via humor and the unexpected warmth of shared plight.” —Larissa Szporluk
"When you finish this book, you’ll most likely want to thank him.” —Fred Marchant
"Modlin Songs" Orchestral Debut

A piece for orchestra & voice by composer Robert Gross, featuring three of my poems as text.
Recent Conversations
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
They asked a few poets for writing tips. I was happy to share.

Emerging Form Podcast
Brad shares about "opposite habits," creativity dares, & writing challenges he's arranged for students & colleagues on Emerging Form: A Podcast about the Creative Process, hosted by Christie Aschwanden & Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer.

Other podcasts featuring Brad's work
Balanced Mind meditation podcast
Various recordings by SoundCloud users (includes an Arabic translation)

The Short Collection of Short Stories
and winner of The Cupboard's annual contest
Surviving in Drought

"With elements of Donald Barthelme's intelligent absurdity and Stanley Crawford's surreal intimacies, Surviving in Drought is an elegant investigation of the secret language hidden within domesticity. In these stunning pages, order topples over to reveal deep strangeness, precision gives way to aporia, and the end of the world comes with more tenderness than anyone might expect. An unusual and striking book that you will devour whole."
"In Surviving the Drought, Brad Aaron Modlin capsizes our kitchens with floods, our aprons with stars, shaking up every expectation of our modern lives with the unexpected and surreal. Through humor and striking prose, Modlin offers readers a refreshingly disorienting view of the world. I loved every word of this dense, gorgeous collection."
—Anne Valente, author of Our Hearts Will Burn Us Down
—Alexandra Kleeman, contest judge
"Brad Aaron Modlin is a magician of fiction. Every sentence in Surviving in Drought flings a new flash of wonder. He transforms domestic mundanity into surreal miracles, impossibly won. The happy family life modeled from sitcoms is flipped, submerged, cast in a sea of glittering bubbles. But Modlin’s drowning world isn’t only doom and apocalypse. There is indeed survival and perhaps rebirth, as he reacquaints us with a world we’ve always known for the lie it is and the truth it can become. This gorgeously ornate collection of stories offers hope after the world is drowned. Modlin promises us humor, awe, kindness, and so much love lost and gained. This collection will teach you how to breathe underwater."
—Dustin M. Hoffman, author of One-Hundred-Knuckled Fist
Selected Publications
—Sycamore Review, Purdue

“Lazarus Is Having Trouble Readjusting”
“Cubism” —Indiana Review, Indiana University
“At the Time I Believed in the Power of the Past Tense”
—Joys of the Table: An Anthology of Culinary Verse
Links to Online Publications
"Before You Can Comprehend, Particle Physics, You Must Look at the Empty Styrofoam Cup and Know It Is You"
—Beloit Poetry Journal
—New Ohio Review
—Poetry International
—Superstition Review, Arizona State
—Zócalo Public Square
from Everyone at this Party Has Two Names
Hear PoemsI Read on Nebraska Public Radio

“A Game of Owaré” —Fourth Genre
“Thomas” —StoryQuarterly, Rutgers University
“The Day of a Death, the First Thing that Changes
Is What You Want from Strangers”
—River Teeth
“Maybe the Anemic Light”
—The Florida Review
“The Summer of the Commune, and Some of the Summers
Before That“
—Welcome to the Neighborhood: An Anthology of American Coexistence

Links to Online Publications
(2025 Pushcart Winner)
—Proximity Magazine
—River Teeth's Beautiful Things
—carte blanche
(Quebec Writers’ Federation)
“Unicursal" —Denver Quarterly, University of Denver
“Oslo, Omaha” —Hawai'i Review, University of Hawai'i
—ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature & Environment,
Oxford University Press
“Dark Gray Door"
Originally published in Indiana Review, Indiana University
Links to Online Publications

from Surviving in Drought
—The Masters Review
—SmokeLong Quarterly